Saturday, October 31, 2009
Weekly Report-Week 11
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Science Corner: How does nature study fit in?
What is nature study?
It's the study of the plants and animals around you, which can be found both inside and outside your home. This makes nature study very accessible!
How do I do nature study?
Nature study can be as simple as, "Hey kids look at this caterpillar I just found on the driveway. You see the way he walks along my hand. What does he feel like to you? Do you want to put him in a jar and go look him up on the internet to find out what kind of caterpillar he is?" You can take it a step further and try to "hatch" you caterpillar into a butterfly or moth. The idea is to introduce your children to the nature around them and spark their desire to learn more. Your kids will learn so much from this type of study.
You can also use the Handbook of Nature Study to help guide your nature study time. This valuable resource has information that is written to the parent, so keep that in mind! It provides backround information about a topic and some relevant questions to use to guide the nature study time. Barb at Harmony Art Mom has put together a wonderful guide on how to get started with this book. She has also hosts the outdoor hour challenge which give you topics to focus on and how to go about doing accomplishing those nature studies. You can access all this information at her blog. I highly reccommend that you take a look as it will be well worth your time!
When do I do nature study?
Nature study can be a scheduled part of your week. In the past we have set aside one day for nature study and a library trip, that way we have plenty of time to explore both! You can also make nature study a part of your life. Take the time to take advantage of the crazy things you run across, like snails in a house plant, carrots sprouting in your fridge or the bugs crawling on the milkweed pod you pass while out on a walk.
Some of our best memories of our study of science have been during our nature study time. So, whether you chose for nature study to enhance your science curriculum or whether you choose nature study to be the core of your science education, you can't go wrong!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hopefully I'm back up and running again :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Here we go again...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Weekly Report-Week 10
Here's a rundown of what we did accomplish...
Language Arts: Princess began reading an abridged version of Black Beauty. So far she's doing well and enjoying the book. We began reading The Little Duke together. It took awhile for princess to get into the book, but the last two days she's been asking for more and more. We didn't complete a full week of Writing with Ease and we did no Dictation Day by Day.
Math: We wrapped up the unit on fractions and began working on clocks. Princess is doing well as usual.
Science: We continued our study of the planets with Neptune. It turns out that Neptune made it around the corner of the wall. Princess did go alittle overboard with the storms that were on Neptune, but really this has been such a fun project!
Other: Didn't make it to any of the extras this week.
Education of Me: I didn't read anything this week, my mind was elsewhere :).
Hope you had a great week, you can read other Weekly Wrap-up here.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Weekly Report-Week 9
Language Arts-Princess finished reading Little Pear this week and I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to assign her for next week, oh well :). We finished read White Stallions of Lipizza and I was surprised at how much princess loved this book! She now rides her own White Stallion around the house and it's teaching her to ride properly, absolutely hilarious! We also completed a week of Writing with Ease and Dictation Day by Day.
Math-We spent the first half of the week reviewing the first half of the 2B book and then princess took a mid-book test. She passed with flying colors, so that means that we kept moving. We finished out the week with learning fractions. Princess has declared that this is her new favorite math concept! I have a feeling that will change when we get around to graphs again :).
Science-We spent the week with Uranus. Princess was quite perturbed when we added it to our wall model of the Solar System because she feels it's too far away from the other planets. I explained that's because it really is that far away. To which she replied, Ok, but it's probably pretty lonely. Just wait till we get to Pluto :)!
History-We spent the week in the East. We read about Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. I have to admit that alot of what we read about this week was totally new information to me. It also helped me to connect a few dots about Asian cultures. It's pretty cool to learn from your second graders curriculum :).
Other-We looked at another painting by Jan Van Eyck and listened to another piece by Corelli, who by the way is one of my favorite composers! I'm so glad that princess is enjoying him, but I have to say that neither of us are going to be big fans of medieval painting. We also got back to reading Lamb's Tales of Shakespeare "As You Like It". My plan of doing two plays a term is probably not going to happen, but we are enjoying reading through the play and I'm surprised how much princess remembered from the last time we read.
Education of Me-I finished reading Otto of the Silver Hand and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. What a great book, it will definately be on our list for the next go around. I'm hoping to write a more in depth review later this week. Next up Piers Plowman, only because the idea of reading Dante right now doesn't sound so appealing :).
Hope you had a great week, see what others are up to at the Weekly Wrap-up.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Give Away
While you are there be sure to check out the rest of her blog. There is a recent review of Chemistry for the Grammar Stage and so much more. She also has another blog where all her reviews of classical curriculum can be found. I have really enjoyed poking around over there and getting to know this great homeschooling mom :)!