Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Outdoor Hour Challenge #40-Fall Weather

This challenge was a seasonal weather study where we also focused on temperature and pressure. We began our time with a look at our temperature guage (today was quite a bit warmer than it has been)...
We discussed Celcius and Farenheit and what makes the red liquid move in the tube. Then we went for a walk. We found these clouds in the sky...
It was the perfect opportunity to review the types of clouds and how they are formed. As we continued our walk I brought up pressure and how it effects our weather. We talked about what high and low pressure means. Princess was excited because now the weather man will make more sense! Once we were inside we completed Barb's seasonal weather sheet. Here what we did...
I'm always surprised at the different things that princess notices that I don't. She was sure to include a bird and an airplane in her picture because they were there when she looked out the window. Hope you are able to take a minute this week to go outside and enjoy the fall weather!


Barb said...

This was a great entry! I loved the photo of your clouds and then how you made it meaningful for your daughter. Your journals are great and it shall be interesting to complete the winter study and compare.

Thanks for sharing your link,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Anonymous said...

What a great nature study! I love this one.