Another week under our belt and I am so confident in the changes I have made for this year. I feel like I've found the right balance in our homeschool. It's been a bit more work for me, but when I look at her notebooks and see how much she recalls, I know that it's all worth it. Enough about that, here's our week in review...
LA: We began alphabetizing this week and learned the first two rules of spelling. I was surprised how well princess did, we have never formally discussed alphabetizing, but somewhere along the way it sunk in. Turns out that the fridge also doubles as a magnet board for AAS! We also learned about writing dialoge's from Sonlight's LA. At this point I think all that we will use from that is the writing assignment, which princess really enjoys.
Math: We are in the home stretch to finish Singapore's PM 1B. We started the last unit on money today and I expect that we will finish the remainder next week. I am so pleased with the progress princess has made. She really gets it and I think that she's ready to move on.
History: We finished up the Nile with a salt dough version of the river that we could flood, here's the before and after pictures. We then tried to drain away the water and take more pictures, but you can't really see how the water stayed behind, so nothing to share from that. However princess did enjoy it, we ended up flooding the Nile several more times this week. We also began talking about mummies and pyramids. We made some scented oil that we will use for our chicken mummy in a few week, can't believe that I'm going to do that one! All in all we are really enjoying Story of the World.
Read-Aloud: Wilbur just got dropped off at the fair and yes, princess is still enjoying it!
Science: We began to talk about mammals this week. I included a picture of her narrations sheet from this week. We also made habitat posters(see below) so that all our animals will now have a home to go to. We also did an experiment to show how cat's eyes differ from ours. It was great fun for princess. She is really getting into science this year.
Hope you had a great week too!