Another great week, man I love it when a plan actually works! Here's the rundown...
Language Arts: Princess finished up Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and started Gooney Bird Greene. We also started read Twenty-one Balloons together out loud. We completed another week of Writing with Ease and Dication day by day. I love these two programs and I'm seeing progress in her writing and in her spelling. One day I'll have to post more about how we use Dictation day by day, it's an oldie but goodie free from Google Books.
Math: We began our unit with money and I see now why Singapore holds off on going to deep into money in early books. Princess now has the mathematically basis to do all the money calculations and so far this unit has been a breeze to teach. Plus she loves to play store!
History: We learned about monks who lived in caves and read some of the Jataka Tales this week. Our timeline is looking good, here's a picture of it...
Science: We did finish our Venus experiment with the use of our heat fan instead of the Sun, see Science Corner post for a picture. Then we moved onto the Earth and the Moon. We didn't go into to much depth here because we will study the Earth more as part of our Earth Science unit. Even so, Princess enjoyed the week and learned alot about the Moon.
Other: We continued to read and narrate "As you Like It" in Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. We did a bug's eye view sketch of a plant in our house which was fun. We also completed our artist and composer studies. Here's a look at her artist study sheet...
Education of Me: I spent the first half slugging through the original Song of Roland poem and the second half breezing through Stories of Roland. You can read more about the journey in this post. Needless to say, I am learning more about Charlemagne and the brave knights of old. What I am wondering is did they really have that much gold, seventy camels full of golden objects?
Hope you had a great week! You can read more weekly wrap ups here.