Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Education of Me

Ok, so I haven't done a post on this in quite awhile, but that's because I haven't done much self-education. I've been mostly on survival mode as moving overseas takes alittle out of you. So I plan to try to get back on track this week and I'm writing it here for accountability.

Over the last two months I have...
  1. Read the Tempest. It was a great play by Shakespeare and I read it in preparation for our own Shakespeare study. We read Lamb's tales, but I wanted to become familiar with the story.
  2. Read absolutely nothing from my history list, but I did read Five Little Peppers and how they grew, that counts, right?
What I plan to do next week...
  1. Begin to read A Winter's Tale. This is our next Shakespeare play and I have the next three weeks to read it.
  2. Read 60 pages in the Saying of Confucius. I still need to download this book from Google, but once I get that worked out I can begin reading.

Hopefully my goals aren't too lofty seeing that I still need time to work on learning a whole new language. I guess we will see how things go.

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