Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekly Report-2/16-2/20

We had an ok week, there were a few bumps along the way due to princess missing her friends in the states. Despite that we were able to complete a weeks work.

Language Arts: Princess read Zack's Alligator. She did a good job and actually enjoyed it. We finished another ETC lesson. We also completed 5 more lessons in With Pencil and Pen. I'm really enjoying this book. It's so gentle, but I believe that it will lay a good foundation, plus it was free! We are also two chapters away from finishing Indian and the Cupboard, which we all have enjoyed.

Math: We worked on division this week. We also reviewed what all four signs mean and how to perform each operation. It was slow going at the beginning of the week, but once princess caught on, she did fine.

Science: We started discussing invertebrates this week, only two more weeks of animals left and then onto the human body! We also did a nature study about moss, which you can read about below.

History: We started with Nebuchadnezzar and ended with Cyrus the Great. Princess drew her own version on the hanging gardens, complete with stream and candles to light their way. Here it is...

Other: We took a look at another drawing by Ernst Haeckel and listened to some more Tchaikovsky. I'm hoping to begin a multi-week art mural project today, but we will see how that goes.

Hope you all had a great week, thanks for reading about ours!

1 comment:

Chucki said...

She did a good job with the drawing.