Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Outdoor Hour challenge #34

We got right on this challenge since most of the maples in this area are changing colors and losing their leaves, plus it was a really nice day out yesterday. We had no problem finding maples as they are all over town (a fact I found out last week when looking for oaks!). Most of the maples in this area are silver or black maples. We laid under a maple that had lost most of it's leaves and talked about how many branches there was and how this was the reason that maples are known as great shade trees. We then chose a maple with it's leaves still on to do our study.
We look closely at the leaves and then did a leaf rubbing.

We also examined the seeds, which are called keys. We talked about why the wings are beneficial for the seed. We did a bark rubbing and princess drew the tree.
Then we went inside and worked on our nature notebooks.
We have loved doing our nature study once a week. If you want to include this in your day, but your not sure how, please check out Barb's blog. It's where I get my plans for nature study and ideas on how to do nature study in general.


Barb said...

What a beautiful maple tree entry. I appreciate their bright golden colors as you scan the landscape.

Your journals are really looking great and are filling up with lots of great stuff.

Thanks so much for sharing your outing.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Sea Star said...

You did some great drawings in your nature journals. I can't seem to get my kids that excited about the sketching afterward.